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Planning Board Minutes 01/05/2017
Chichester Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
Thursday, January 5, 2017

Members Present:  Chairman Kevin Mara DVM., Richard Moore, Stan Brehm, Jeff Jordan, Tom Houle, Ann Davis, Michael Williams.

Chairman Mara called the meeting to order at 6:30pm

Public Hearing for proposed Zoning Ordinance Amendment concerning Flags.

Chairman Mara opens the Public Hearing and gives a brief overview of the proposed amendment concerning flags and explains  the current proposal was recommended by the Town Attorney in order to comply with recent court rulings.

A member of the public asked whether this amendment would regulate the size of flag poles.  The Chairman said no.

Doug Hall noted that along route 4 there are 7 businesses flying the US Flag and 12 businesses flying commercial flags.  Mr. Hall suggested defining commercial and non-commercial flags in the ordinance.  Mr. Hall submitted written commentary as well.

Kate Rafferty Hall also submitted written commentary and echoed Mr. Hall's sentiments.

Chairman Mara closes the Public Hearing and calls for Board Discussion.  Having no discussion, Ms. Davis moves to approve the proposed amendment to Section 3.18(D)(V).   Second by Mr. Jordan.  Motion passes unanimously.

Mr. Moore assures the public that the Board takes their concerns seriously and that the Board has previously proposed Zoning Amendments to address the very concerns the public brought up, but the proposed changes have been consistently rejected at Town Meeting.

Public Hearing for proposed Zoning Ordinance Amendment concerning Accessory Dwelling Units.

At 6:57pm, Chairman Mara opened the Public Hearing on the Zoning Amendment concerning Accessory Dwelling Units.  Mr. Williams gives an overview of the Amendment and that it contains the minimal changes required to comply with a new state law that takes effect June 1, 2017.

No member of the public offered comment.

Chairman Mara closes the Public Hearing and calls for Board discussion. Having no discussion, Mr. Jordan moves to approve the proposed amendment to Section 3.21 concerning Accessory Dwelling Units.   Second by Mr. Houle.  Motion passes unanimously.

Public Hearing for proposed Site Plan Regulation Amendment concerning Welland setbacks.

At 7:03pm, Chairman Mara opened the Public Hearing on the Site Plan Regulation concerning Welland Setback.  Mr. Brehm gives an overview of the Amendment and explains that this amendment will bring uniformity between the Site Plan Regulations and the Wetlands Ordinance.

No member of the public offered comment.

Chairman Mara closes the Public Hearing and calls for Board discussion. Having no discussion, Mr. Jordan moves to approve the proposed amendment to the Site Plan Regulations concerning Welland Setback.   Second by Ms. Davis.  Motion passes unanimously.

Conceptual Review – 180 Horse Corner Road. The property owners expressed a desire to build an additional dwelling unit on their land.  However, they do not have sufficient road frontage and the Board recommended that they contact the Zoning Board of Adjustment.

Adjournment-Being no further discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Houle to adjourn the meeting at 7:25pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Michael Williams, Acting Secretary
Not approved until signed.